Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just Pig'em!

I don't know about you guys but it drives me NUTS when people don't respond to my e-mails and until now, there was no way to verify that they actually opened them, read them and for some reason chose not to respond to my very important message!?  Well, just like with everything else digital, there is now a way to spy...I mean confirm that your email has been read!

SpyPig is an email tracking system that sends you a notification by email when the recipient opens your message. So no more guessing "Has he or she read my email yet?"
I was so excited to see this on the Captive monitor as I was riding up to the office this morning that I had to share...
Find out more about SpyPig here http://bit.ly/oUU1VE but it’s Free and the below really spoke to me (-: You?
“Just Pig'em!
Use SpyPig anytime on anyone: Your business contact, cheating girlfriend, ex-husband, stranger you met online, or just anyone who doesn't respond to your email and needs to be "verified."

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