Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Does this mean I'm boring?

It seems like everything I've bought in the last few months has been some variation of nude, taupe or beige...Wow, does that make me boring?
Don't get me wrong, I like color but I like neutrals and blacks more...
Got these amazing suede boots at Daffy's of all places and you can't imagine the compliments I got when I wore them out 2 weeks ago!
Speaking of Daffy's, did you hear they are closing all 19 stores!?
First, Filene’s Basement and now, Daffy’s as the next casualty winding down business in Manhattan, New Jersey and Philadelphia.
I can’t speak for the 1,300 employees that will be affected but I do know that Russians all along the NE will be очень очень disappointed and may be holding vigils along with…yours truly
Daffy’s has been in business for 51 years and has faced slowing sales in what’s known as the “off-price” arena since 2005 when national brands started to expand their outlet business, leaving off-price retailers with fewer opportunities to buy discontinued items or leftovers.

Yeah, that’s their story but here’s my take on it.

Daffy’s has faced stiff competition from TJX Cos Inc., which operates TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and HomeGoods and so my friends, I feel partially responsible for their demise…
So, question remains, where am I going to lose myself during lunch hours only to emerge with fabulously unique and oftentimes ridiculously inexpensive wears!?

Will you miss Daffy’s like I will?

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