Sunday, April 24, 2011

London Day 2

The Adventure continues...

Refreshed and satisfied from our delicious breakfast at Asia de Cuba, we set out to explore London on what felt like a 10 mile journey but according to Google maps, only about 4.
We walk through Trafalgar Square, past 10, Downing where the Prime Minister resides
towards Big Ben
and across the Westminster Bridge over the Thames heading towards the London Eye with a quick stop for some ice cream.
I know its super Touristy but I have to say, it was spectacular; seeing the city of London from 443 ft above the ground is something to be experienced.
We then proceeded along the Thames and hit the Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
and finally the Tower Bridge which to me, was one of the most memorable of all the bridges and quite impressive especially close up.
In between, there were so many great little nooks and crannies to discover and explore
and then we took a break at the Oxo Tower Wharf Design Center home to a unique community of design boutiques and studios. This was also my chance to schmy around while the boys took a much needed coffee and DS break and where I found the Anne Kyyrö Quinn gallery and this ottoman as seen in the Sex in the City movie…love it!
For a bit of history, 10 Downing Street in London, also known as “Number 10”, is the official residence and office of the First Lord of the Treasury of the UK and is situated on Downing Street in the City of Westminster. It is the headquarters of Her Majesty's Government and the residence of the First Lord of the Treasury, who is now always the Prime Minister.
Number 10 Downing Street is one of the most famous addresses in the UK and the world and is heavily guarded so our only way to get close was to knock on “the door” while visiting the Churchill War Rooms the following day.
Back home in time for a quick change, a short chat with out awesome concierge Dino and a 10pm dinner at Rock and Sole Plaice for the best Fish and Chips in the city!
They were fattening, they were greasy and they were oh so delicious and with a few cold beers, just what the doctor ordered.
Just as a side note, still nothing purchased but what a day!!!

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